Neck Pain
Ease your neck pain and stiffness with regular chiropractic treatment.
Stop Straining Your Neck
Chiropractic for Neck Pain
Pain is the body’s universal system for indicating that something is wrong. Neck pain is a common condition that often demands attention, due to the sensitivity of the area and the difficulties that are presented when one’s mobility is limited by neck pain. In many cases, neck pain is minor and goes away on its own. When neck pain lasts for more than a day or two, however, it may be time to seek chiropractic care. By manipulating bones in your neck, a chiropractor can free the flow of the nervous system and alleviate neck pain.
How Chiropractic Treats Neck Pain
A Chiropractor can make specific adjustments to the vertebrae to realign the spine and help alleviate neck pain. A misalignment of the spine or other body structures can impact the nervous system in such a way as to cause pain or illness. By adjusting the bones in your neck, a chiropractor can fix the alignment of the spine allowing for proper functioning of the nervous system, alleviating pain and other symptoms. In some cases, complicated surgery can be avoided through chiropractic adjustments.
Neck pain may not resolve after one treatment session with a chiropractor. The chiropractor will evaluate a patient at the onset of therapy to determine the proper treatment course. The number of adjustments necessary varies based upon the nature of your condition and the health of your spine.
What Causes Neck Pain?
Your neck is very vulnerable to injury. Located at the top of the spinal column, the cervical bones in the neck support the head and are capable of a wide range of motion. While this large range of motion is highly useful, it often leads to stress being placed on the neck while it is in an awkward position, resulting in pain and stiffness.
Sources of this stress can be as simple as falling asleep with your neck at a bad angle. Other causes include bad posture while using a computer, watching TV or even reading a book. You may also experience neck pain as a result of accidents, chronic conditions, and even aging, when the effects of osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, can manifest in neck pain.
Butler-Townsend Chiropractic can help, and give you the care and attention you need.
Contact us today at (712) 266-0500.